When you consider to set up your business here, we are your one-stop shop, providing all the relevant regional and sector-specific information you need – at no charge to you.
- 01Establishing contact with initial consultation
- 02Provision of market data and information on funding opportunities
- 03Location search and site selection
- 04Support during implementation and networking
- 05Successful establishment in Lower Saxony and continuous growth of your company
Free advice
Any decision about a location is based on in-depth knowledge about the relevant local factors. We support you to ensure that you are well-informed from an early stage with:
- Individualised information for your specific circumstances
- Information about tax and legalities
- Advice on funding and start-up prospects
Choosing a location
We help you find exactly the right location for your circumstances in Niedersachsen. This includes identifying the right site and premises as well as organising viewings, including:
- Industry-specific help from experts to find a suitable location
- Shortlisting of potential commercial sites and premises
- Facilitating specific contacts
Developing your site/premises
We’re here to help ensure your financial commitment progress smoothly and bears fruit. We facilitate the process for obtaining official permits/permissions, and pave the way for you to build fruitful relationships with existing networks and research institutes:
- We connect you with banks, suppliers, and relevant organisations and associations.
- We help you establish links with universities and research institutions
- We help coordinate administrative matters
- We help with entry regulations and business start-ups in Germany
Growing your business in Niedersachsen
We remain at your side: even after you have successfully set up your business, we make every effort to ensure you thrive and will remain your reliable point of contact. After all, we have a shared goal: ensuring your long-term success in Niedersachsen!
- We facilitate invitations to relevant functions and events
- We help you to get integrated into existing and emerging networks
- We keep you up to date on important issues like funding opportunities
Get in touch with us! We look forward to helping you advance your plans.

Head of Unit – Economic Development and Potential

Transport, mobility

Aerospace, solar power

Life sciences, chemistry, lightweight construction

Renewable energy, wind energy, hydrogen, maritime economy

IT, food industry, mechanical and plant engineering, service industry